All positions within the University of Leeds
- 2016-2018: Faculty of Environment lead on Equality and Inclusion
- This post involved responsibility for developing and driving forward equality policies within the faculty; encouraging
an inclusive atmosphere; and
building towards our Athena SWAN charter certification.
- 2013-2016: Chair of Ethics Board for Environment, Education, and the Social Sciences
- This post involved judging, adjusting, and ratifying where appropriate the most complex applications for ethical approval within
the subject areas of the environmental sciences, business, law, politics, education, and the other social sciences. In addition, I developed university
policies, for example on environmental research, and the use of microworkers, and sat on the committee developing staff training.
- 2012-2013: Deputy Chair of Ethics Board for Environment, Education, and the Social Sciences
- See above. The post involved more standard applications. I also represented my department
in discussions on general ethics training for undergraduates.
- 2000-2004: Chair of School IT and Web Committee
- As Chair of this committee I was the academic responsible for managing and budgeting for IT, planning our web-presence,
developing research computing, dealing with staff and student complaints, and liasing with the IT manager and team. I sat
on the university PC software committee, and a number of key infrastructure procurement teams.
- 2007-2010: Director of Learning and Teaching
- As DLT I was responsible for the education of over 1000 students, management of the ~100 teaching staff, and a budget of ~£3 mil.
I was responsible for developing school teaching policy; all curricula within the school; the contracting of teaching staff and assistants; examinations;
the teaching income and expenditure of the school; student intake and criteria; and liasing with the broader university. During my time as
head of teaching, I was also responsible for our five-yearly review for the Quality Assurance Agency - the University equivalent of Ofsted, which we
passed at the highest level.
- 2000-2004: School Chair of IT
- See above.
- 1997-2005: School Webmaster
- As school webmaster, I was responsible for the external face of our department, including web policy, security,
information architecture, content and design.
- Programme advice and assessment
- I've acted as external programme advisor for curricula in King's College London and UWE Bristol; external course examiner for
the Environmental Sciences at University of Hertfordshire; and as an institution external quality assessor for
University College London.
- External examiner
- If acted as external examiner for University of New South Wales; University of Manchester; University of Nottingham; and Memorial University of Newfoundland.
In total I've acted as an examiner on twenty PhDs.
- Reviews
- I've reviewed scientific papers for: Terra Antarctica; Environment and Planning B; Geographical Journal; Earth Surface Processes and Landforms; Innovations in GIS;
Land Use Policy; Journal of Hydrology; Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy; International Journal of GI Science;
JASSS; Comp Env Urban Systems; Information Science and Technology; Journal of Computational Science. I've also reviewed grant applications for:
UK ESRC; UK EPSRC; UK RGS; Singapore Education; Canadian NERCS; and NWO Netherlands.
- Tellus Project
- During the early 00s, I was responsible for the database of 'learning nuggets' held by the
Higher Education Academy for Geography, Earth, and the Environmental Sciences (GEES). I sat on various committees looking at structuring
formats and metadata for online learning components.
- Materials
- Software and course materials I've developed have been used in institutions as widely spread as
RMIT University Melbourne; University of South California; and Boston University.
- Conferences organised
- Sept 2017: 21st International GeoComputation Conference, Leeds.
- Aug 1999: Leg 178 Ocean Drilling Program summary meeting, Iceland.
- Sept 1995: International Glaciological Society British Branch meeting, University of Leeds.
Until recently, I co-ran the International GeoComputation Conference Series.