Ok, you old Netizen, you. You've found my dumping ground for all the old stuff I've got hanging round with
nowhere to go. Can't guarantee any of the links will work.
- Not my first webpage, but the oldest one I've still got: 1995 homepage. Can't say my research interests have changed any.
- Three posters I wrote for the web back in 1995:
- Old Java Applet I wrote to replicate the Pascal model in my PhD: Clast Ploughing
- Daft Robocode team I used to use to compete with my Java students.
- A Java environmental dye dispirsal calculator I wrote for a PhD student back in 1998.
- A collation of quotes on Psychogeography and the dérive I pulled together in 1998, for a while one of the few sources on psychogeography online. It came with
a map to use when exploring the web.